HRMS Professional Access Request Process

This process is to provide an employee access to HRMS. HRMS professional users are employees who are in a position that has HRMS professional roles assigned. The employee inherits these roles and are authorized to perform functions within HRMS.

Agencies should ensure all HRMS Professional users are registered to Gov Delivery to receive notifications for HRMS.

HRMS positions should be reviewed prior to submitting a HRMS Role Request Form to ensure appropriate HRMS roles are assigned and to determine if a form or an email request is needed.

Agencies may review the HRMS Decentralized Role Definition Handbook or contact the OFM Help Desk for assistance from the HRMS Security team if unsure of which roles to assign.

If request is an emergency, please refer to the Emergency Request Process for the authorized criteria for submitting as an emergency.

HRMS User Account Setup

If no role changes need to be made to a position and the only need is to have the employee’s user account setup the HRMS Role Request form is not needed. Please send email to requesting the account be updated and provide the following information:

  • Employee name and 8-digit personnel number
  • HRMS 8-digit position number
  • Single sign-on (SSO) agencies provide the employee’s SNC (example: dshs\johnd) OR non-SSO agencies request a password 
  • Email subject line should read - HRMS Professional Security Request

What is SNC? SNC provides single sign-on (SSO) access to HRMS without having the employee enter a User ID or password. The SNC is the agency domain and employee’s network logon ID (Example: dshs\johnd).

How to find SNC:

  • Go to Global Address Book and search for employee name
  • Right click on name and select properties
  • Locate the Logon Alias field and this is generally the employee’s network logon ID
  • If you do not know your agency domain please contact your agency IT staff

Update HRMS Roles

The HRMS Role Request Form is required only when role(s) need to be added or removed on positions. This form must be submitted by an agency HRMS Security Requestor or Security Authorizer and sent to

  • Email subject line should read - HRMS Professional Security Request

The HRMS Security Team will assume the agency has followed their own approval process when submitting HRMS Role Request Form.


You may complete one HRMS Role Request form if the same role change is being requested for multiple positions. Include in the comments, "See attached for positions", and send a spreadsheet with the list of positions to be changed.