For other state's income taxes that will be reported on employees’ 2024 W-2 forms, agencies need to submit a request to OFM to configure the State ID number in HRMS.
Review all employees that have withholding taxes from another state and compare the states with the Agency State Income Tax ID’s spreadsheet.
If your agency has already reported the State ID number(s) for other states, no action needed. If not, the agency must complete the Employer’s State ID Number form and submit it to To ensure the information is included in the 2024 Year End process, the request must be submitted to the OFM Help Desk by close of business Friday, December 13, 2024.
In addition to communications from OFM, the process and subsequent deadlines can be found by checking the Year End Activities page each year as Year End approaches.
Manual Adjustments
Agencies must complete manual adjustments in Tax Reporter (PU19) for other State's taxes to be included on employees’ 2024 W-2 forms unless the employee lives or works in Oregon or Idaho, the agency is configured to process OOS Taxes, and tax collection did not begin until the process was automated. Manual adjustments may be required in order for other state taxes to appear on an employee’s W-2.
Manual Adjustments for Agencies Configured to Process Out of State Taxes in Oregon or Idaho
For taxes collected prior to OOS automation, complete a manual adjustment for Oregon or Idaho taxes collected using wage types 2682, 2670, and/or 2690.
No further action for taxes collected through the automated OOS process.
Manual Adjustments to Account for All Other State Taxes
Once your agency’s EIN has been configured within HRMS,
Complete a manual adjustment for the taxes collected using other state wage types.
If a deadline is missed
If your agency has the Employer’s State ID Number configured into HRMS: