OFM has completed updates in HRMS resulting from the 2023-2025 Collective Bargaining cycle and Enacted Budgets effective July 1, 2023. Please see attached spreadsheet for the final list of directly valued, targeted job class updates salary adjustments for job classes, positions and employees that were automatically updated and exceptions. Agencies have until July 20, 2023, to review and make manual updates in HRMS in time for the July 25, 2023, pay date.
Agency Actions Required
Attached are spreadsheets with tabs showing the completed HRMS updates or the exceptions to updates. To open your agency’s list on each tab, click the “+” to the left of your Personnel Area. The spreadsheets contains the following tabs for your review:
General wage increase updates on July_2023_Directly_Valued_Updates_and_Exceptions Spreadsheet
Directly Val Updates– This is the list of directly valued employees that had their Basic Pay Infotype (0008) automatically updated effective July 1, 2023, to receive the 4 percent general wage increase.
DIR Val Add WT - This is the list of employees that had their existing additional Basic Pay Infotype (0008) Wage Types added back into their July 1, 2023, record. Review for accuracy. The wage types amounts and/or percentages that were effective June 30, 2023, were copied into the July 1, 2023, basic pay record
DIR Val Exceptions– This is the list of directly valued employees expected to have their Basic Pay Infotype (0008) automatically updated effective July 1, 2023, to receive the 4 percent general wage increase but did not due to master data issues.
Targeted job classification updates on July_2023_Targeted_Job_Class_Updates spreadsheet
Targeted New Jobs – This is a list of job classes that were created effective July 1, 2023, as part of the targeted job class updates.
Targeted Job Title Update - This is a list of job classes that had title updates effective July 1, 2023, as part of the targeted job class updates.
Targeted Job-IT1005 - This is a list of job classes that had planned compensation updates effective July 1, 2023, as part of the targeted job class updates.
Targeted position updates on July_2023_Targeted_Position_Updates spreadsheet
Targeted New Position Titles - This is a list of positions that had title updates effective July 1, 2023, as part of the targeted job class updates.
Targeted Postion-IT1001 – This is the list of positions that had their position Relationship Infotype (1001) updated to job class updated effective July 1, 2023, as part of the targeted job class updates.
Targeted Position-IT1005 – This is the list of positions that had the Planned Compensation Infotype (1005) updated effective July 1, 2023, as part of the targeted job class updates.
Targeted Positions IT1005-Win - This is the list of positions that had the Planned Compensation Infotype (1005) updated effective July 1, 2023, using Winshuttle program upload as part of the targeted job class updates.
Targeted position updates on July_2023_Targeted_Employee_Updates spreadsheet
Targeted Basic Pay Updates– This is the list of employees that had their Basic Pay Infotype (0008) automatically updated effective July 1, 2023, because their job class was part of the targeted job class updates. Basic pay reason code is 02 Rng Inc OFM Director Action.
Targeted Basic Pay Update-Win - This is the list of employees that had their Basic Pay Infotype (0008) automatically updated effective July 1, 2023, using Winshuttle program upload as part of the targeted job class updates. Basic pay reason code is 02 Rng Inc OFM Director Action.
Targeted Basic Pay Add WT– This is the list of employees that had their existing additional Basic Pay Infotype (0008) Wage Types added back into their July 1, 2023, record. Review for accuracy. The wage types amounts and/or percentages that were effective June 30, 2023, were copied into the July 1, 2023, basic pay record.
Targeted Org Assign– This is the list of employees that had their Organizational Assignment Infotype (0001) automatically updated effective July 1, 2023, because their job class was part of the targeted job class updates.
Targeted exceptions on July_2023_Targeted_Exceptions spreadsheet
Targeted Exceptions– This is the list of employees or positions expected to have their data automatically updated effective July 1, 2023, because their job class was part of the targeted job class updates but did notdue to master data issues.
Note: If your agency has 30 or more records that need to be corrected or updated, there are Winshuttle spreadsheets available for download on the HRMS Hub Winshuttle Page. Please send the completed spreadsheet to HeretoHelp@ofm.wa.gov for upload.