OFM Service News – Enhancements to MyPortal Substitutions (UPDATE)

Thursday, July 27, 2023 - 11:28
OFM ITS Service News

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In running the MyPortal Substitution Report (ZHR_ESS_SUBSREPORT) statewide, OFM State Human Resources discovered over 80 Planned and Unplanned Substitutes who have moved to another agency but are still designated as a Substitute leave approver for a prior agency.

As a reminder, agencies are expected to use the MyPortal Substitution Report to identify Substitutes that were not delimited during the PA40 appointment change or separation action and ensure they are removed using the Substitute Admin Transaction (ZHR_RPTTMU02). OFM no longer maintains these relationships so it is imperative agencies put a process in place to regularly monitor for invalid Substitute leave approvers.

Message sent 9/28/22 at 12:23 p.m.


OFM is excited to announce two new MyPortal Substitution functions that will help agency HR/Payroll offices maintain supervisor substitutes within their agency.

  1. MyPortal Substitution Report (ZHR_ESS_SUBSREPORT) – use this report within HRMS to identify supervisors who may not have substitutions set up in MyPortal or substitutes who are no longer valid. Substitutes are authorized to approve employee leave requests on behalf of a supervisor if they will be out of the office for an extended period of time.

The new MyPortal Substitution Report is available for the following roles:

  • Payroll Inquirer
  • Payroll Processor
  • Payroll Supervisor
  • Payroll Analyst
  • Personnel Administration Inquirer
  • Personnel Administration Processor
  • Personnel Administration Supervisor
  • Time and Attendance Inquirer
  • Time and Attendance Processor
  • Time and Attendance Supervisor

Step by step instructions for running the MyPortal Substitution Report can be found within the HRMS Support Hub under Reports by Functional Area within the Time Management section.

  1. Substitute Admin Transaction (ZHR_RPTTMU02) – use this transaction within HRMS to manage MyPortal substitutes for your supervisors. With this transaction, authorized agency HR/Payroll processors can create, delimit, and delete supervisor substitutes directly. The new Substitute Admin Transaction is available for the following roles:
  • Payroll Processor
  • Personnel Administration Processor

Step by step instructions for using the Substitute Admin Transaction can be found within the HRMS Support Hub under Procedures by Functional Area within the Personnel Administration section.


  1. OFM will no longer be monitoring and delimiting substitutes when a supervisor changes positions.

Agencies can now audit and maintain supervisor substitutes directly. The new MyPortal Substitution Report will allow agencies to audit missing substitutes as well as identify substitutes who should no longer be in a substitute role in the agency.

Agencies can ensure valid substitutes by:

  • Deleting or delimiting substitutes during the PA40 appointment change or separation action process for supervisors in a leave approval role.
  • Running the MyPortal Substitution Report (ZHR_ESS_SUBSREPORT) to identify missing substitutes or substitutes that are no longer valid.
  1. OFM will no longer create substitutions for agencies.

Agencies now have the ability to fully manage substitute relationships using the Substitute Admin Transaction (ZHR_RPTTMU02).


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