OFM is continually trying to improve the tools and resources available for HRMS processers. We are excited to announce multiple enhancements to the way Payroll Cutoff Errors are posted.
Beginning with the upcoming payroll processing, this week a new payroll cutoff error spreadsheet will be added to the HRMS Support Hub. The new Payroll Cutoff Error spreadsheet will contain:
1. All payroll cutoff days in one spreadsheet.
2. A separate tab for each payroll day with the current payroll cutoff day highlighted in red. The spreadsheet will default to open the tab for the current payroll cutoff day.
3. Payroll RPCIPE, ALAS, and payroll redlines for all payroll cutoff days instead of limiting payroll redlines to Day 3.
4. Details of the payroll period that contains a redline error.
5. Sequential Number, Run ID, and links to the common RPCIPE, ALAS, and Redline errors in an easy to access location at the top of the spreadsheet.
6. Filter selections to assist in selecting only the data you wish to see (example: use the Filter button to narrow data to your Personnel Area only).
Here is a sample of the newly combined day payroll error spreadsheet:
In addition to the enhancements within the spreadsheet, posting the errors will be fully automated between HRMS and the HRMS Support Hub so errors will be available immediately upon HRMS completing a payroll run.
The updated spreadsheet will be accessible through the same Payroll Cutoff Errors page on the HRMS Support Hub located in the Resources section. In addition, the tools for correcting payroll errors are available in a new location, just below the Payroll Cutoff Error spreadsheet.
As a reminder, OFM is committed to helping processors find solutions during payroll processing. If the Correction Guidance tool located on the Payroll Cutoff Error page of the HRMS Support Hub is not successful or you need additional assistance to clear an error, send an email to HeretoHelp@ofm.wa.gov as early as possible during payroll cutoff so that we can assist you.