Processing of the 2024 IRS Form W-2 for State of Washington employees
OFM has started the annual production of employee W-2s in HRMS. Consolidated Mail Services will mail statements directly to employees who have not selected online-only Forms W-2 within MyPortal upon completion.
The 2024 W-2 form is divided into four quadrants; each contains identical information. This will provide the employee with additional copies that can be used for filing taxes in other states or for financial purposes.
A ZALERT will be sent when Tax Reporter (PU19) is restored to users. Once access is restored, you should check the Tax Reporter Log Manager for Errors and Warnings that may have resulted during the W-2 process and take the appropriate action to ensure wages and taxes are correctly reported.
If you determine any W-2s are incorrect, you may need to create a W-2c and a W-3c. The Form 6559 Transmitter Report and Summary of Magnetic Media, and W-3, which lists your agency totals for some W-2 fields, will be available in the Tax Reporter Log Manager.
The Year End webpage is a great resource for year-end process information and links to HRMS Support Hub. Click on Year End Reports for a list of reports you should run. For example, you will find instructions for running the Tax Exempt Status Report ZHR_RPTPY661 to find employees who have claimed exempt tax status.