Day 1

Day 1 - ZHR_RPTPY632

Run the Wages not subject to OASI Medicare Report to display employees who are nearing or have reached the OASI maximum for the year and have transferred mid-year between agencies. If an employee is close to or has met their maximum for the year, the gaining agency needs to create a Payroll Results Adjustment for the employee. Refer to the Payroll Results Adjustment procedures. ​

Day 1 - ZHR_RPTPY126

Run the Payroll Posting Report to check for accounting or funding discrepancies as well as audit LNI codes to ensure they are all coded to your agency. When running the Payroll Posting Report during Payroll Processing Days for the current period, you will need to enter the Run ID and Sequence number. The Run ID and Sequence numbers can be found at the bottom of the Payroll Cutoff Error file. 

Day 1 - ZHR_RPTPA803

Run the Periodic Increment and Longevity Increase Projection Report to identify any employees who have missed their increase for the period. Corrections should be made to Basic Pay (0008) infotype if necessary, refer to the Basic Pay – Add Next Increase Date procedure. ​

Day 1 - ZCATA

Run a Time Transfer to ensure all manual CAT entries are transferred for your employees. Repeat Time Transfer, as necessary.

Day 1 - SP01

Check for pay errors on your spool reports. Depending on your agency practice, export and save spool files as necessary.

Day 1 - Payroll Cutoff Errors, Redline, ALAS, RPCIPE

Check the Payroll Cutoff Errors for your agency's errors. Employees on these lists will be locked out of final payroll processing if left uncorrected. Match the specific type of error in the error list to the Common  Redline,  ALAS, or  RPCIPE Error documents for further instructions to correct the error(s). 

Day 1 - CAT2

Create any necessary manual time and attendance entries. Ensure all leave is entered appropriately and hours are completed for part-time, hourly, and other applicable employees.