Day 3 Post- Noon - PC00_M99_CWTR
Submitted by on Thu, 08/22/2024 - 10:36Consider running the Wage Type Reporter to ensure wage types are processing in accordance with your expectation.
Consider running the Wage Type Reporter to ensure wage types are processing in accordance with your expectation.
Run a payroll simulation for your full agency if any changes are being made to master data after noon. Run in the background with Display Log turned off to look for employees with redline errors. Use the Common Redline Errors to correct any redlines.
Check the Payroll Cutoff Errors at 1:00 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. for your agency's errors. Employees on these lists will be locked out of final payroll processing if left uncorrected. Match the specific type of error in the error list to the Common Redline, ALAS, or RPCIPE Error documents for further instructions to correct the error(s).