Day 0

Day 0 - Work Schedule Substitution

Run a Periodic Increment and Longevity Increase Projection Report to identify employees receiving a Periodic Increment on a mid-period date (any date other than the first day of the pay period). Then run the Flexible Employee Data Report to identify any mid-period PID employees who are also on a 24/7 schedule. Create Schedule Substitutions for the entire period to avoid an error.

Day 0 - ZCATA

Run a Time Transfer to ensure all manual CAT entries are transferred for your employees. Repeat Time Transfer, as necessary.

Day 0 - PUOC_10

Process any pending offcycle-workbench entries. Payroll Day 0 is the Off-cycle Workbench cutoff. The Off-cycle Workbench will not be available again until payroll processing has completed (Payroll Day 4). 

Day 0 - CAT2

Create any necessary manual time and attendance entries. Ensure all leave is entered appropriately and hours are completed for part-time, hourly, and other applicable employees.

Day 0 - Agency Action

Remind employees and supervisors of approaching payroll cutoff. Employees should have all leave requests entered for the period and supervisors should finish processing leave requests accordingly.