January - Agency Action
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 03/02/2020 - 14:063rd Week in Jan - Final chance to issue and file any last minute correction forms.
3rd Week in Jan - Final chance to issue and file any last minute correction forms.
3rd Week in Jan - Enter Generation Date for 941.
3rd Week in Jan - Execute the fourth quarter Federal Tax Report form 941. All manual YTD adjustments input after executing your agency's IRS 941 production run will not be included. Please verify the manual adjustments through the Tax Reporter Log Manager (manual adjustments ignored).
1st Day 4 in Dec - Balance 941 to W-2.
Final Day 4 in Dec - Balance 941 to W-3. Add each 941 quarterly total to ensure this amount matches your W-3 total for the year.
Mid-December - Verify that accounts payable has all IRS Form 1099-MISC data needed for amounts paid to the claimant of deceased employees' estates.
1st Day 4 in Dec - Research and correct employees locked out of 12/10 payroll. Prepare for pay period 24, Payroll and Tax Reporter roles should work together to ensure everything is in balance.
Early-Dec - Prior to the first payroll run for the upcoming year, identify and clear all existing overpayments or claims from current year. A current period claim is processed through wage type /561 and a claim from through wage type /563 in payroll processing. Claims can be identified easily running the Wage Type Reporter.
Early-Dec - Identify and enter manual adjustments (this includes manual adjustments for other state taxes).
Final Day 0 in Dec - Final Offcycle Workbench for the year. Once the final Day 0 concludes, agencies will no longer to be able to process an Offcycle workbench for the closing year. If this deadline is missed, manual adjustments will be required.