
November - Agency action

Mid-Nov - Remind employees to update their mailing address for accurate W-2 mailings. Address changes can be made through MyPortal or the Addresses (0006) infotype. Refer to the Addresses user procedures.

November - PPA

Nov - Attend the Year-End Personnel Payroll Association (PPA) meeting. Visit the PPA website for details on time, date, and location. Sign up for the OFM dl SWA Contacts distribution list by emailing OFM Statewide Accounting at to receive meeting agendas and handouts. 

November - Payroll Cutoff Errors, Cross-calendar year overpayment collections

Final Day 4 in Nov - Research employees locked out of the 11/25 payroll. Take appropriate cross-calendar year actions to pay and correct the employee. This includes but is not limited to: pay employee outside of system, enter manual YTD adjustments,  cross-calendar year overpayment collections, etc.