Savings Plans

Procedure Updated: 

Use these procedures to create or maintain an employee’s Savings Plan (0169) infotype records. Available Savings Plans options are Retirement plans, Deferred Compensation (DCP), and Health Savings Plans (HSA).


Refer to the DRS ERA Employer Handbook for information on retirement plan eligibility, membership rules, and employer responsibilities. For questions regarding retirement plan or DCP eligibility or necessary action, contact the Department of Retirement Systems at (360) 664-7000 or toll free at 1-800-547-6657.

Most employees are members of the Public Employees' Retirement System and are typically enrolled in PERS 2 or PERS 3. Newly hired employees have a 90-day window to choose a PERS plan. After 90 days they will automatically be defaulted to PERS 2.