Payroll Processor
The Payroll Processor role is responsible for creating and maintaining payroll information for new and existing employees in HRMS. New employee payroll information is entered once the human resource information has been entered.
The technical name for this role in HRMS is SR3P_DE_PAY_PROC.
Activities: The Payroll Processor role will perform the following key activities in HRMS:
- Create and maintain employee payroll information
- New employee
- Appointment changes that result in payroll changes
- Separation
- Benefits (Medical, Disability, Retirement)
- Create and maintain additional payments and recurring deductions (e.g., single, recurring, non-cash wage type for educational assistance)
- Create and maintain bond purchases/denominations (e.g., savings bond)
- Create and maintain employee leave information (e.g., accruals, shared leave, military leave)
- View basic personnel information