Personnel Administration

Day 0 - Work Schedule Substitution

Run a Periodic Increment and Longevity Increase Projection Report to identify employees receiving a Periodic Increment on a mid-period date (any date other than the first day of the pay period). Then run the Flexible Employee Data Report to identify any mid-period PID employees who are also on a 24/7 schedule. Create Schedule Substitutions for the entire period to avoid an error.

Quarterly - PPA

Attend the Personnel Payroll Association (PPA) meeting.  Visit the PPA website for details on time, date, and location. Sign up for the OFM dl SWA Contacts distribution list by emailing OFM Statewide Accounting at to receive meeting agendas and handouts.

Quarterly - Date_Adjustments_Guide

Audit employees with leave without pay for potential date adjustments. Refer to  collective bargaining agreements and WAC 357 (or historical documentation as needed) for details on when date adjustments are needed and what criteria to consider. To correct a Date Specifications (0041) infotype record, refer to the  Date Specifications - Copy and Update Record user procedure.  To adjust a Next Inc Date in the Basic Pay (0008) infotype record, refer to the  Basic Pay - Add Next Increase Date user procedure.

October - Year End SSV, Personal Data - Change Existing Record

Mid-Oct - 1st run of EVS Verification Failure Report to check for employees who have a mismatch in their SSN or Name provided.  Work with your Personnel Administration Processor to make any corrections on the Personal Data (0002) infotype, refer to the  Personal Data - Change Existing Record procedure.

November - Year End SSV, Personal Data - Change Existing Record

Mid-Nov - 2nd run of EVS Verification Failure Report to check for employees who have a mismatch in their SSN or Name provided. Work with your Personnel Administration Processor to make any corrections on the Personal Data (0002) infotype, refer to the  Personal Data - Change Existing Record procedure.

November - PPA

Nov - Attend the Year-End Personnel Payroll Association (PPA) meeting. Visit the PPA website for details on time, date, and location. Sign up for the OFM dl SWA Contacts distribution list by emailing OFM Statewide Accounting at to receive meeting agendas and handouts. 

November - Agency action

Mid-Nov - Remind employees to update their mailing address for accurate W-2 mailings. Address changes can be made through MyPortal or the Addresses (0006) infotype. Refer to the Addresses user procedures.