
February - Sick Leave Buyout

1st Payroll Cutoff in February- Finalize processing Annual Sick Leave Buyout prior to the first payroll cutoff in February. 

  • Receive signed Sick Leave Buyout Forms from employees
  • Create Sick Leave Buyout record(s) - Buyouts should be effective January 31st

January - Sick Leave Buyout

1st Week in January – Begin processing Annual Sick Leave buyout:

  • Finalize sick leave processing of previous calendar year leave requests
  • Determine Eligibility
  • Contact eligible employees for opt-in/opt-out options
    Be sure to include a “Respond no later than” date to eligible employees.

Reporting Only Agencies should follow the Sick Leave Buyout – Reporting Only Agency Determine Eligibility/Calculate Sick Leave Buyout process

December - Sick Leave Buyout

Late-Dec – Begin agency planning and preparation for Annual Sick Leave buyout process:

  • Contact Leave Approvers to ensure all calendar year sick leave is processed as soon as possible.
  • If requesting print or mail services through Department of Enterprise Services, initiate contact by emailing PrintCSR@des.wa.gov.

Day 0 - Work Schedule Substitution

Run a Periodic Increment and Longevity Increase Projection Report to identify employees receiving a Periodic Increment on a mid-period date (any date other than the first day of the pay period). Then run the Flexible Employee Data Report to identify any mid-period PID employees who are also on a 24/7 schedule. Create Schedule Substitutions for the entire period to avoid an error.

Quarterly - PPA

Attend the Personnel Payroll Association (PPA) meeting.  Visit the PPA website for details on time, date, and location. Sign up for the OFM dl SWA Contacts distribution list by emailing OFM Statewide Accounting at OFMAccounting@ofm.wa.gov to receive meeting agendas and handouts.

November - PPA

Nov - Attend the Year-End Personnel Payroll Association (PPA) meeting. Visit the PPA website for details on time, date, and location. Sign up for the OFM dl SWA Contacts distribution list by emailing OFM Statewide Accounting at OFMAccounting@ofm.wa.gov to receive meeting agendas and handouts.