
Monthly - Health Care Authority

Use the monthly HCA reports you have received from HCA, the Reconciliation Template found on the OFM website, and the Health Care Reconciliation Report to reconcile the differences between Pay1 and HRMS amounts related to Account 035/GL 5181 and W-2 reporting requirements. Use the Health Insurance Sample Reconciliation and Instructions resource as needed.

Day 3 Pre- Noon - ZHR_RPTFI1018

Run the IT1018 Position Cost Distribution report to identify positions with a mis-match in funding. Cost Distribution should match your business area coding. To update a Cost Distribution (1018) infotype record on the position, refer to the Position Cost Distribution user procedure.

Day 3 Pre-Noon -

Run the IT0027 Employee Cost Distribution report to identify employees with a mis-match in funding. Cost Distribution coding should match your business area. To update a Cost Distribution (1018) infotype record in the position, refer to the Position - Maintain Cost Distribution user procedure.