Employee Duty Station Reports

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Use these reports to view employee duty station and telework/flexible schedule information. These reports can be run based on a key date or for the history of duty station and telework/flexible schedule data within a date range. Use these reports to support Executive Order 16-07, Building a Modern Work Environment.


An employee’s duty station or telework/flexible schedule information defaults to the position’s duty station and telework/flexible schedule settings on the Address (1028) and Telework/Flex Work (POS) (9901) infotypes. If the employee has an override to the position’s duty station on their Duty Station Address (9105) infotype or if the employee has an override to the position’s telework/flexible schedule on their Telework/Flex Work (Employee) (9106) infotype, the employee’s overridden value(s) for these fields will be displayed on these reports.

To view all position duty station and telework/flexible schedule information, including vacant position information, see Position Duty Station Reports (ZHR_RPTOMN04).