
HRMS Search - Use Personnel Number Direct Selection Search by SSN

Use this procedure to search by Social Security Number using the direct selection search function. Prior to entering a New Hire Action, you should always check to see if the employee already has a Personnel Number in HRMS; searching by social security number is recommended.

Use this procedure to search by employee Social Security Number using the Direct Selection search function in the Personnel no. field.

HRMS Search - UFI Matchcode

Some searches result in large results and you will want to narrow your selection criteria. HRMS has built in tools that will further assist in narrowing your search. For this example, we will use a search for UFI codes within the Personnel Administration module of HRMS. The UFI matchcode search is found in both the Personnel Administration and the Organizational Assignment modules; however, the basic functions will remain the same throughout HRMS when searching using the matchcode button.

HRMS Search

Use these procedures to utilize the search functions in HRMS. The search functions are available in many fields throughout HRMS, however for these procedures we will use Display HR Master Data (PA20) as an example.

Using the Period Selection

The Period selection allows you to view records within a certain date range identified by the user or enter the effective dates from here when creating a new infotype record. The Period selection is available in multiple transactions. For this example, we will use PA20 (Display HR Master Data), however this function is also available in many other areas of the system