Payroll Warrants & Earnings Statements
OFM streamlined the process of printing and distributing payroll warrants and earnings statements to improve efficiency in payroll distribution and further enable a mobile workforce. As required by RCW, OFM must recover the costs of providing services by charging agencies for warrant and earning statement printing and mailing costs.
Agencies can eliminate incurring charges for payroll warrants or earnings statements by encouraging employees to elect direct deposit or a US Bank Focus prepaid card; and utilize MyPortal to access and obtain earnings statements.
Printed Payroll Warrants
Agencies are responsible to contact the Department of Enterprise Services (DES), Consolidated Mail Services (CMS) directly to coordinate their printing and distribution costs. The process for payroll warrant printing set-up or update is as follows:
- Agency contacts CMS at
- CMS will provide a ‘Warrant Pull’ form for the agency to complete
- Agency sends completed form to
- Agency will receive bill from CMS for warrant pull charge.
For all warrant related charges, pulls, and billing questions please Contact DES Consolidated Mail Services
Printed Earnings Statements
Agencies have two options to support employees in need of printed earnings statements.
- Earnings statements are printed through DES Printing Services and mailed through DES Consolidated Mail Services; or
- OFM provides earning statements in Portable Document Format (PDF) through a Secure File Transfer (SFT) account. The Agency can print and distribute these earning statements.
Printing and Mailing through DES
Agencies can have earnings statements printed and mailed through DES.Agencies are billed for print, paper, envelopes, and postage.
The requesting agency is required to provide a cost code for billing the new print and paper charges to DES.OFM HRMS Operations will establish the agencies separate print jobs so DES can charge the appropriate related costs.DES Consolidated Mail will use the same related cost codes when doing the envelope inserting and postage.
To initiate the process:
- The agency emails requesting earnings statements be printed and mailed.
- OFM HRMS Operations coordinates with DES Printing and Imaging on related PDF print files.
- OFM HRMS Operations coordinates with DES Consolidated Mail on initial changes necessary for the earnings statement inserting and mailing.
- After the initial setup, the agency will be notified and responsible for all changes or account code updates.
Once through the initial set up, any changes the agency makes with the printing or mailing process must be completed by contacting DES directly.
Receiving a PDF File through OFM
This option allows the agency to receive earnings statements in a Portable Document Format (PDF) format using a Secure File Transfer (SFT).OFM will establish an SFT user account and place the related earnings statement PDF files in the SFT account folder.The requesting agency will access the SFT folder to download and print the earnings statements.
To initiate this process:
- The agency emails indicating a request to receive earnings statements via a PDF.
- OFM HRMS Operations creates the agency SFT account.
- OFM HRMS Operations facilitates any HRMS Job changes and coordinates with the agency on retrieving the related PDF earnings statements.
- After initial setup, the agency is notified and responsible for all changes or account code updates.
For agency address updates or to start or stop receiving printed earnings statements, email