HRMS Access/Role Request Process

Procedure Updated: 
Friday, July 19, 2024

Use this process to provide an employee with access to HRMS. HRMS professional users are employees who are in a position that has assigned HRMS roles. The employee inherits these roles and are authorized to perform functions within HRMS.

Agencies should review current HRMS role assignments on positions to ensure the appropriate roles are assigned and if role changes are needed, submit a HRMS Role Request form. If no role changes are needed, submit an email request to set up a HRMS user account.

Non-employees such as Volunteers or Unpaid Interns cannot be given any access to HRMS. Refer to the HRMS Decentralized Role Definition Handbook and the HRMS Roles page for more information about roles. If you need further assistance regarding which roles to assign, contact the OFM Help Desk at

Each new HRMS user must complete the HRMS Basics course before receiving HRMS access. OFM will not monitor this process; it is the responsibility of each agency’s HRMS security authorizer or requestor to ensure a new user has completed the training. Agencies should also ensure all HRMS users are registered to Gov Delivery to receive HRMS notifications.

How to Request a HRMS User Account Setup

If no role changes need to be made to a position and the only need is to set up the employee’s user account, the HRMS Role Request form is not needed. Email requesting that the account be updated and provide the following information:

  • Employee name and 8-digit personnel number
  • HRMS 8-digit position number
  • Single Sign-On (SSO) agencies should provide the employee’s Secure Network Communication (SNC)
  • Non-SSO agencies should request a password

SNC provides SSO access to HRMS without the employee having to enter a user ID or password. The SNC is the agency domain network and employee’s network logon ID (example: dshs\johnd).

To find an employee's SNC:

  • Go to Global Address Book and search for the employee's name.
  • Right-click on name and select Properties.
  • Locate the Logon Alias field (this is generally the employee’s network logon ID).
  • If you do not know your agency domain, please contact your agency IT staff.

How to Request HRMS Role Changes

The HRMS Role Request form is required only when role(s) need to be added to or removed from positions. The form must be submitted by an agency HRMS security requestor or security contact authorizer and sent to

The HRMS Security Team will assume the agency has followed their own approval process before submitting a request.


You may submit one HRMS Role Request form if the same role change is being requested for multiple positions. Enter "see attached for positions" in the comments section of the form and include a spreadsheet with the list of positions to be changed.