Separation Action (PA)
Use these procedures to enter a separation action, correct the employee's separation date, separate an employee who never started work, or request deletion of an erroneous personnel number.
Use these procedures to enter a separation action, correct the employee's separation date, separate an employee who never started work, or request deletion of an erroneous personnel number.
Use these procedures to enter a rehire action or to correct the employee's rehire date.
Use these procedures to enter a new hire action or to correct the employee's new hire date.
Use these procedures to maintain or view an employee's Basic Pay (0008) infotype.
Use this procedure to appoint an active employee into an additional position using a Reference Personnel Number. You will perform this procedure when the employee's new position is in their current agency OR a different agency.
Use these procedures to enter an appointment change action for an employee.
Use this procedure to separate an employee from state service.
Use these procedures to enter or update tasks and associated reminder dates on an employee's Monitoring of Tasks (0019) infotype.
Use these procedures to enter or correct Military service dates for an employee.
Use these procedures to create and maintain an employee’s email address on their Communication (0105) infotype.