Separation Action (PA) - End Erroneous New Hire Appointment After Day 4
Use this procedure to end an appointment when an employee was hired using the New Hire Action but did not start work and payroll has stored for the employee.
Use this procedure to end an appointment when an employee was hired using the New Hire Action but did not start work and payroll has stored for the employee.
Use this procedure to create a new Communication (0105) infotype record for an employee. Creating a new record is necessary when the employee does not have an active infotype record or when the employee has an existing infotype record but you do not want to copy over the existing data fields.
Use this procedure to update the status or extend an existing task on the employee’s Monitoring of Tasks (0019) infotype record.
Use this procedure to make a correction to an existing Military Service (0081) and/or Time Specification/Employ. Period (0552) infotype record.
Use this procedure to create new Military Service (0081) and Time Specification/Employ. Period (0552) infotypes.
Use this procedure to change an employee’s start date after the new hire action has been completed and payroll has stored for the pay period.
Do not use this procedure if the employee’s Payroll Results are from the current period and it is prior to Payroll Day 3 finalizing. Follow the New Hire Action (PA) - Change Hire Date Before Payroll Day 4 procedure instead.
Use this procedure to change an existing Objects on Loan (0040) infotype record, such as ending a record that is no longer valid, adding additional comments, or making a correction.
Use this procedure to view the Basic Pay (0008) infotype when you need to view previous amounts on an indirectly valued record.
Use this procedure to make a correction to or end an employee's existing Duty Station Address (9105) infotype record.
Use this procedure to copy an employee's existing Duty Station Address (9105) infotype record and update it with necessary changes. Using the Copy action will retain the history of the previous record.